

[Company News] LOTTE Chemical named in 'Top 10 Advanced Materials Tech Company'


LOTTE Chemical named in ‘TOP 10 Advanced Materials Tech Companies in APAC 2020'

Introduced as a global leader of advanced materials by a U.S. periodical on technology
Technological innovation up-to-date with market trends to build trust with customers and contribute to popular application of advanced materials
Manufacturing Technology Insights, a U.S. periodical on technology, announced last 2nd that “LOTTE Chemical has been named in ‘TOP 10 Advanced Materials Tech Companies in APAC 2020’.”

It introduced LOTTE Chemical as a pioneer in the field of advanced materials and a leader that has led the industry for over 30 years and explained that LOTTE Chemicals was named in Top 10 because it is ‘developing and selling safe and eco-friendly products along with the fast-paced market trends to build trust with customers.”

It also introduced the excellence of starex®, the major brand name for styrene resin in the advanced materials industry.  starex® applies customized solutions to each product and the periodical mentioned that “starex® products provide exceptional durability and thermal resistance, so they are used in everyday objects, including automobiles, TV, refrigerators, and motorcycles.”
Manufacturing Technology Insights was founded in 2008 to discuss the latest production technologies, advanced materials, and IoT and chooses the TOP 10 enterprises of each industry every year.